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Everything posted by Death

  1. Changed Status to Working
  2. Death

    light fight

    Changed Status to Closed
  3. Death

    light fight

    I've forwarded this bug report over to Facepunch.
  4. Changed Status to Closed
  5. Changed Status to Working
  6. Changed Status to Closed
  7. Was not able to reproduce any issues. Please let me know if you encounter this again.
  8. Death

    PumpJack issue

    Changed Status to Closed
  9. Very odd bug, but this looks and sounds client-side. If you encounter it again please let us know!
  10. Death

    Supply drop issue.

    Changed Status to Fixed
  11. Changed Status to Fixed
  12. Changed Status to Working
  13. We've decided to go with vanilla procedural maps this time around due to some issues with the editor causing an serious issues. We will continue with custom procedural next month and will compensate for this disappointment with some bad ass monuments. Sorry again
  14. Custom monuments do not replace vanilla monuments. They're added alongside them.
  15. I'd prefer not adding tools to the shop as it kind of defeats early game. The black market will be redone sometime this year, I'm just not sure what it will sell at the moment. It will likely be different every day to not completely de-value the items it is selling.
  16. Here are our June custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Apartment Complex Author: Banana Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/apartment-complex Multi Story Carpark Author: DocNorris Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/docs-multi-storey-carpark-hdrp-ready SATELLITE DISH OUTPOST Author: FireCrow Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/satellite-dish-outpost
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