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Everything posted by Death

  1. Confirmed they were also working 4/20 @ 4:46pm
  2. I've been working on side projects recently that I'm just now wrapping up. I'll go through the queue and knock out these suggestions soon.
  3. I think you just called my pc a potato.
  4. Next month is what they're aiming for.
  5. Death

    The *R* word

    I guess what I said was a bit difficult for you to understand, so I'll make it easier. You either follow our community guidelines or kick rocks. If you feel your freedom of speech should be used to put people down, then I invite you to join Reddit or Twitter. It's not going to happen here. This topic is now closed to further replies. I've highlighted the response that best aligns with our stance on the subject.
  6. Death

    The *R* word

    @laffett I think the first step to your political rabbit hole would be to understand that "retard" and "retarded" have completely different meanings. None of which have a use online, less, of course, you're having a technical discussion about engineering or medicine. Retarded slow or limited in intellectual or emotional development Retard to delay or impede the development or progress of : to slow up especially by preventing or hindering advance or accomplishment It's easy for you and me to see no problem with it because we were never personally affected by it. The whole movement behind removing the word from our day-to-day vocabulary is to give one less word for children to throw around and hurt people with. Kids are extremely mean, just in case you forgot. To us, it's just a simple word, but when that simple word can ruin the day of someone who already struggles to be happy with life, why does it have to be so political just to NOT use it? The moral of the story is, no one is forcing you to do anything. You can either follow server rules, I.E no disrespect or harassment, or you can play elsewhere. I think your past few replies are evidence that this isn't a matter of expressing your feelings, rather than using it as an opportunity to insult and offend people. Either way, this should end here. We've expressed our stance on the matter so you're free to align yourself with the standards of our community or move along.
  7. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.11.21
  8. Death

    Sedan signals

    Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.11.21
  9. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.11.21
  10. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.11.21
  11. Death

    /sil US Pure

    Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.10.21
  12. Death

    /sil US Pure

    Changed Status to Fixed
  13. Do you mind posting issues to https://rustez.com/forums/topic/4038-new-jpipe-syncpipes-system/? This isn't my plugin, but the developer of it does follow that thread and cant provide insight as well as fix issues reported.
  14. The first week of a wipe is always rough due to all the new buildings. Inactive purge will kick in soon and get rid of all the abandoned bases to help improve client performance.
  15. Changed Status to Closed
  16. Took some footage of the progress on the HDRP backport!
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