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Everything posted by Death

  1. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 7.5.21
  2. Changed Status to Closed
  3. Output looks fine on our end. It's x4 vanilla production.
  4. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 7.5.21
  5. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 7.5.21
  6. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 7.5.21
  7. Changed Status to Working
  8. Death


    Changed Status to Working
  9. Changed Status to Working
  10. Changed Status to Working Changed Priority to High
  11. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 7.3.21
  12. @JRock39 Your link is broken
  13. I clarified my original post to specify the server and region is to indicate the EZ server you're playing on.
  14. Thanks for letting us know. We'll sort this out soon.
  15. Before submitting your radio station, please note you're responsible for everything broadcasted and are expected to uphold our server guidelines at all times. With the exception of music containing vulgarities, as long as it's not unreasonable it should be fine. Format Station Name: Station URL: EZ Server and Region:
  16. There is no point in farming credits like this. The only reason players are doing it is because it's easy to do. I can't imagine someone is going to substitute pickle farming with LGF farming when there's no point in it other than to gloat at how many credits you farmed.
  17. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.1.21
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