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Everything posted by Death

  1. @Bart Incident was unrelated so sorry about that. We had an issue this morning that caused them to lose their contents.
  2. Death

    Miner's hat issue.

    Changed Status to Closed
  3. Death

    Miner's hat issue.

    This is a game bug that has been around since the beginning. If the miners hat has a decent amount of fuel in it, right click to add instead of dragging and dropping. Doing so will often delete the extra that would normally stay inside your inventory. You can also take the fuel out, restack and replace inside the hat to avoid this from happening.
  4. There was an update to address this. Please double check and confirm if this is fixed. Thanks!
  5. I highly recommend you two make a reasonable effort at an appeal (on separate threads) if you're truly adamant about having your bans lifted. I will not be a deciding factor, and I cannot guarantee your bans will be lifted, but just asking to be unbanned is not going to cut it. Take responsibility and admit your fault and develop an argument on how you'll improve your behavior to align with our community standards.
  6. I've released an update to address dynamic stacking on our Pure servers.
  7. I've just confirmed this is not working properly for Pure. Working on a fix now!
  8. The stock is dynamic and should be adjusting to your available inventory space. For example, if cloth stacks to 1,000, and you have 10 free slots, you should be able to buy 10,000 in one transaction. If this is not the case let me know and I'll see what's borked. Vending machines do give stacks beyond the max stack in vanilla, but this isn't intended. It's been a bug for some time now that we decided to patch ourselves. We left it alone for a while, but with the implementation of composters and pickles, it's greatly impacting player economy.
  9. Changed Status to Closed
  10. Queue is working correctly. I'll lower max plane count as needed.
  11. Are we talking about the max you can buy in one transition, or the fact items can no longer stack higher than their default?
  12. We appreciate you taking the time and rectifying this behavior, but unfortunately, we cannot overturn bans of this nature, so you'll have to ride out your time. I hope you understand!
  13. Forgot to update my previous post, the output for solar panels, windmills and waterpumps has been sorted. All known electrical issues are fixed. Let me know otherwise!
  14. I've released an update that should sort missing fuel and output. Please let me know otherwise.
  15. All issues associated with NPC vending machines should be posted here. Please include the server name and region and provide as much info as possible. Thank you!
  16. Having a recycler in your pocket is pretty over-powered as is, and I don't think I'd ever make it instant. It's the same speed as a regular recycler just to keep things fair.
  17. @2BitBandit The stone quarry is instanced. There was an incident earlier into wipe that caused the quarry to be destroyed but all should be fine now.
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