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Everything posted by Death

  1. I should have an update by Monday. Struggling with persistence at the moment.
  2. Currently they consume 1 fuel per 20 seconds. So 4,320 per 24 hours. ( (60 * 60) * 24 = 86,400 / 20 )
  3. Even with the addition of NPCs, it's a matter of time before players invent strategies to completely negate the extra difficultly. I'd love to buff the bradley to make it harder to kill, but as it is now, the loot is so hit or miss it would be hard to justify that.
  4. The sedans are custom and aren't quite "road legal," which is why they're a store item. They're more novelty than anything at this point with the introduction of modular cars. Once server performance is addressed, I will be upping the limit again.
  5. @Etchy It may be possible that previously lost fuel is still in limbo allowing the quarry to still produce. Either way, there's a big update coming soon that'll address these issues.
  6. @Findus Working on a big update to sort this out. Sorry about that.
  7. Appreciate the follow up. Does this happen every restart or is it random?
  8. We will keep things the way they are, with horses and boats disabled until performance is addressed. Thanks for your feedback.
  9. If this happens again please let me know @LiamJS_
  10. Death

    pump jacks

    Changed Status to Closed
  11. Death

    Sedan signals

    Changed Status to Fixed
  12. I plan to make a better notification system soon. Garrisons have been temporarily disabled until this issue is sorted.
  13. That is not intended. I'll sort this out asap. Thanks for letting me know!
  14. They weren't saving correctly after the previous update. That's all sorted now. Sorry about that.
  15. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 3.7.21
  16. Changed Status to Fixed
  17. I'll do some testing on my end and see if I can't find any obvious issues.
  18. Applied latest update for SyncPipes as well as moved the pipe info panel down a bit so it no longer overlaps our hud.
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