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Everything posted by Death

  1. The rollback likely caused your player to teleport back to a previous location. Please create a help ticket at https://rustez.com/help for issues such as this. Thanks
  2. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.21.21
  3. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.21.21
  4. Changed Status to Closed
  5. This has been known for some time. The fix is actually not worth implementing, as using this method to farm wood is a lot more taxing and time-consuming than just hitting trees. I want to fix this eventually, but the method to do so is not worth the performance tax on the server.
  6. @Northstarz were they building authed in the are the sedan was?
  7. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 1.21.21
  8. @smoke2much562 Can you please try and run the command again?
  9. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.19.21
  10. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.19.21
  11. @Green DragonAs stated previously, we've already issued refunds for every single contribution made. If it does not reflect on your PayPal yet there is likely a delay on their end. But by all means, please dispute them if you feel as if I'm being dishonest.
  12. @Green Dragon you sure you weren't blocked for threatening to "take down the whole EZ" or "I can go blackhat" if you don't get a reason for your ban? Which btw, had been provided already. You got banned from Discord because you posted in #general that you would "ensure EZ has 70%+ downtime going forward." Threatening our community and its members will not be tolerated. I have refunded every single contribution you've made to our community. Good luck out there.
  13. @Cryptone I've got to level with you, I don't see this appeal getting anywhere given the ban's context. I'm sure you're a decent person, but this is not something we can tolerate. I hope you understand. If you'd like a refund on any store purchases made this month, please send us a ticket at https://rustez.com/help
  14. @Icetax"nigga" is often misused as a form of greeting and is culturally appropriated. While I agree, both are equally racist. Most do not see it that way. Context is also very important. If it were used in a derogatory manner, they'd also be permanently banned. Since these bans are automatic, we're a bit more selective with which words are permanent bans to give those who misuse them a chance to correct their behavior. Hard R is rarely used in a manner other than to be racist and derogatory.
  15. @Doeboy it could be using fuel lost previously, but I will look into it all the same. Thanks for the follow up.
  16. I am looking into implementing decay for deployables placed randomly in the wild as well as unused twig structures.
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