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Everything posted by Thaddy187

  1. answering on your other report.
  2. Thanks for the report. I did check it out and was not able to open the box either. I'm hoping it was just some weird one off bug. At least we have a record of when it started it if it starts happening more.
  3. Thank you for appealing. We do not lift bans for language which has only one meaning, that being purposefully racist or severely derogatory. While we do understand that this language permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Pejorative terms and derogatory words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This includes in global chat, on signs, and written on notes or sleeping bags. The ban will not be lifted. While we do very much appreciate your support, we cannot and will not allow your patronage to influence our decisions. Our rules are in place to ensure a friendly and safe environment for everyone, including yourself. Even though this may have been out of character for you, we simply cannot allow exceptions to our zero tolerance rules as that would give the impression we condone such behavior, which we clearly do not. I'm very sorry this outcome is not what you were hoping for. We do not make these decisions lightly and hope this will be a learning experience moving forward. -Thaddy187
  4. Daisy Chained Composters are only filling first Composter with a conveyor. This was reported to me on US Survival today.
  5. This did fix itself when adapters on PJ's and Quarries were disabled on US Survival. It must be something in that plugin that causes this to happen.
  6. This does seem to be isolated to Personal Quarries and PJ's though. I have not experienced this with Public PJ's/Quarries/or the Giant Excavator.
  7. I don't use hover loot. Just the loot all and deposit all buttons. I do also experience this with just dragging the stacks from PJ's and Quarries though.
  8. Materials (Crude, metal ore, sulfur ore, HQM ore) will randomly go invisible when pulling them out of Quarries and PJ's manually on US Survival. Sometimes you can place them in a box/backpack and get them fixed, or throwing them on the ground. If either of those doesn't work putting them in furnaces or oil refineries will sometimes work. It seems completely random on what will get them to start appearing again, and is causing some issues with trades where people are thinking they are getting scammed, but in reality the materials are all there.
  9. Someone had a module pipe system setup on their PJ. After reset anyone can walk up and open the Crude portion of the PJ and loot from it. They also can access their Pipe Conveyor system now. Person effected on US Survival if you wanted to take a look. chrisr87 - 76561197990339519 located in W12. I moved their Crude onto their body for now. They were not online yet. Someone reported and was concerned about their own PJ safety.
  10. I've spoken with the US Survival Admin team, you've played with many of us for quite awhile. You know we are fair and we hate banning people Pirate Hooker. We have the three strike rule in place and enforce it for the times when people do make mistakes. We hope they learn from these, grow, and not do them again. Unfortunately you continued to take revenge and judgement into your own hands instead of reaching out to our team to resolve the issues. You know i respond very quickly every time you have reached out to me. This ban is still very recent and will remain in place.
  11. Exploits are not taken lightly on these servers. The ban will be upheld. A member of Leadership has already responded to your previous ban appeal on 1/2/2023.
  12. Staff does not consider appeals made on behalf of another player. The banned player needs to post an appeal if they wish to have it reviewed. In this instance the Player "Sergiu" has already appealed this month (01/02/2023) and was denied by a member of Leadership.
  13. Staff does not consider appeals made on behalf of another player. The banned player needs to post an appeal if they wish to have it reviewed. In this instance the Player "Sergiu" has already appealed this month (01/02/2023) and was denied by a member of Leadership.
  14. The rules are in place to keep the server civil and make it a safe spot for all players. Age and the amount spent in the store does not change our policy or server rules. While we take no joy in banning players, especially ones that have played on the server a long time, this ban will currently be upheld. We’ve talked to you, and you have been warned multiple times. The server works on a three strike policy and you know we’ve been lenient in this regard. I wish you the best and hope you find a server that compliments your play style. Best of luck. Sincerely, Thaddy187
  15. Offender: Pirate Hooker - Battlemetrics - Steam Server: US Survival Time: 11:32am PST Length: Permanent Reason: Griefing More Info (Optional): Many instances of using an Attack Heli to destroy other players bases. Player has been spoken to multiple times but still chooses to do so. These screenshots are from separate instances of when he has used an attack heli to destroy other's bases. The players referenced here that had base destruction by Pirate Hooker were. Gorekie , and BOTs_king_papa Here is previous/current warnings: Thaddy187 at 2022-10-11 8:17 PM Verbally spoke to about a report that they destroyed half a base with a called in attack heli. Nova at 2023-01-08 3:23 PM Player warned by another admin this morning about calling in helis to destroy windmills close to his base. Razzleberry at 2023-01-08 3:23 PM 1/8/23 - Pirate called in a heli to destroy another person's base. The other person called in a heli as retaliation. Warned both players. Thaddy187 at 2023-01-08 4:41 PM Banned for many instances of using an Attack Heli to destroy other players bases. Player has been spoken to multiple times but still chooses to do so.
  16. Received many reports today about Pipes that have randomly stopped working. They will be working for awhile throughout the day and then randomly stop moving materials until the pipe/box is destroyed and then re-piped. Can take multiple attempts until materials will start moving again. Wanted to make a bug report on this since it's starting to happen more frequently to people.
  17. Offender: margarita (Steam) & (Battlemetrics) Server: US Survival Time: 10:08PM PST Length: Permanent Reason: Multiple instances of Griefing another other player and not willing to follow /rules. More Info: margarita was banned for multiple attempts of Griefing another player. Was removed from the area but decided to come back and keep pushing. Warning was issued. Wanted to see how many attempts it would take to get banned. They found out.
  18. Thank you for appealing. We do investigate before a ban is instated. We also investigate when an appeal like this one comes in. Rayne did provide the evidence on this one. Your SteamID is on everything that was looked at and did qualify for a Racism ban based on words that were used on pictures. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter. Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007485418-Banned-for-Racism-Homophobia Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ Anti-Racism Glossary https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-glossary/ Anti-Racism Resources https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-resources/ The ban will not be lifted. You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck.
  19. Fixed during restart today.
  20. The timer on the bandit wheel has stopped showing and the wheel no longer spins. Hoping it will just return to normal after the next restart.
  21. until
    Kick off Halloween wipe on US-Survival this Friday, October 14th, at 8:30PM Est., with a fun Halloween themed trivia night! You'll be in it for yourself, and have the chance to get a piece of candy for each question you answer correctly! Players from all servers are welcome. Server rules apply. Hope to see you there!
  22. Hello Sergiu, We spoke with you and told you not to attempt the thing that got you banned as we knew that you also already knew how from the previous person that got banned. The fact that you still went ahead and did it is why you got banned. Making a video was pointless when you already knew what was going on and you knew that we also already knew what was going on. Sorry for speaking so coded to those that don't know the circumstances while reading this. Your ban will not be lifted. I've attached your previous ban appeal as well.
  23. If you teleport from a monument back to your base or to another place that should be safe to log at and don't stand up before you log out it seems the game thinks you are still at a monument and player logs back in dead. We've had 2 reports of this happening now. TerminalJunker & Maddax Mcloud on US Survival. Both have lost their inventories and woke up on beach. Seems that the backpacks have been saved. Can currently be avoided by just standing up before logging out, but Maddax Mcloud was unable to do so and thought he was locked up so restarted.
  24. Thank you for appealing. With the current cancel culture in the world, racism in all aspects of society is being closely scrutinized. While we do understand that it still heavily permeates music, comedy, movies, and other media, it is something we do not feel is appropriate to have in our servers. Words such as what were used on your account, are not welcome in any context. This is plainly stated on the server's loading screen before you enter. Additionally, this is also stated on Facepunch's Terms of Service. https://support.facepunchstudios.com/hc/en-us/articles/360007485418-Banned-for-Racism-Homophobia Here are resources that you can explore to learn more: guidetoallyship.com https://guidetoallyship.com/ Anti-Racism Glossary https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-glossary/ Anti-Racism Resources https://www.rwjbh.org/why-rwjbarnabas-health-/ending-racism/anti-racism-resources/ The ban will not be lifted. You are solely responsible for what happens on your account. We wish you the best of luck
  25. We are seeing this on US Survival as well. All types of animals are collecting around players bases trying to get to them.
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