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Everything posted by Death

  1. All purchases made since July 27th will be restored. Use this thread to request item restorations including order numbers if at all possible.
  2. Due to significant changes to Rust's backend the data saved pre-wipe is unrecoverable and because of this inventories can not be restored. Having so short time to prepare the system I had deployed to save player data failed resulting in mass data loss. We have decided to instead treat this as a hard wipe for all players to start fresh this wipe. Item restoration will be worked heavily on and available next forced wipe. We will not restore any inventories regardless if you have proof of contents or not. All store items purchased since July 27th will be restored.
  3. I'm working to resolve issues that have occurred transferring inventory data from the previous wipe. The issue is unclear at this point but could be a number of things so as of right now inventory restorations are disabled. The script implemented to save and parse the data failed on Pure leading up to some pretty nasty results and it's unclear whether or not the data can be recovered. TL;DR Pure server might be a hard wipe. Survival may be recovered. More information to come.
  4. Stack sizes increased and twig decay now on.
  5. @KenshinFuechi the events start after inventories are saved. @Mal_s @Fyreswrath decay will begin before inventories are saved but will only affect twig buildings. Decay will only affect twig buildings.
  6. @Mal_s Your inventory must include everything you plan to carry over by 3:00 pm EST. If you die before hand you can assume only the basic items such as the torch and rock will carry over. So yeah, if you die before the save you won't be able to transfer your items.
  7. The wipe will take place at 4:30 pm EST on August 3, 2017, with Pure PvE being the first affected server following in this order Pure, Survival and Hybrid. All inventories will be carried over as long as the items they wish to carry over are in their inventory before 3:00 pm EST on August 3, 2017. There will be day long events for all players starting at 12:00 pm including zombies, decay and starting at 3:00 pm helicopter and tank events where players can opt into controlling either entity to destroy buildings and or other entities. If you want to support RustEZ simply be online after the wipe!
  8. Have you tried fortify for base models?
  9. That's a bit massive don't you think? lol
  10. Death

    S> Melons

    Those some nice melons sailor
  11. @AshiHanna attempted to process this request, however, you were not online nor did you provide your actual name in the game which makes this impossible for us to complete.
  12. Besides the downtime this morning all servers are running nice and smooth now.
  13. As a result of the previous Rust update, the current map for Pure PvE became unusable due to an outdated navmesh. Because of this, the server had to wipe in order to restore connectivity. Everything obtained from now until next Thursday will carry over into next wipe as well as instant crafting server wide until then. Server is back online @Mal_s @CowboyRob99 @dudleydowork
  14. I will save what I can data wise and then wipe the rest. I will just host events until next wipe.
  15. Status: Fucked
  16. Options are running thin. Trying one last thing before I'm left with no other option but to wipe.
  17. We've been experiencing some nasty crashes caused by yesterdays update that I have been tirelessly working to resolve. I took the time to rebuild the compiler, data, and bins. Hopefully, this resolves the issue. If not I will need to take more drastic measures which include the removal of player data. If I can get it to limp on one leg until the wipe I will try my best to make it so.
  18. Death

    It's here..

    The best meme thread 2017
  19. The infinite nodes may be due to the new mini game system and the infinite cactus drops sound alerming but sadly this is all game related and I have no control over this. Commenting on quarries, this has been much of a discussion recently and the only explanation I can possibly provide is that quarries lose its richness over time so you cannot keep using the same one. This is just a wild thought.
  20. @Dirty Harry unfortunately that's rust but our servers don't have to be this way. We have a zero tolerance for asshatery but we're not always on to catch it so it's important that someone steps up and calls them out.
  21. Death

    It's here..

    @Dirty Harry so that's what was in his boot..
  22. Death

    It's here..

    That's no dank meme but I'll accept it.
  23. @bleaumeani you can disable chat in settings. The best way to remedy this is with the ban hammer which has already been done. Also, I'm sure @Fyreswrath will not be so easily deterred by a few spoiled kids with entitled internet access. She's a tough woman! What I plan to do to prevent this from happening in the future: 1) Add a chat filter to replace or remove banned words before they're even sent 2) Deploy more staff on that server during swing shift 3) Sharpen the ban hammer
  24. Death

    It's here..

    This section is primarily for VIP related discussion and should only be used if you plan to make fun of another player who cannot access this section. Requests are for recycler relocation and after wipe respawns or just general inquiries. Please reply to this thread with the dankest meme possible to ensure you acknowledge this new section and can utilize it to its full compacity.
  25. I will look into a maturity filter for the chat and I'm opposed to having a vote kick feature as it wouldn't take much effort for a small group to assemble to abuse the feature. Thanks for all the suggestions!
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