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Everything posted by Death

  1. Death

    Drop shinanigans 3

    I guess the hard entity cap in Rust is useful for once?
  2. @Mal_s they're beautiful targets! It would be a shame of someone... Stole them.
  3. This topic has been brought up ever since the dawn of time and it really should be addressed now before further misinformation is spread throughout players. As we most know, FacePunch does what they call "forced wipes" which forces servers to wipe before updating to the newest build. They typically only do this if they make changes to proc gen but it seems this has become a norm every month. With that being said I think it's wise we adjust our wipe cycle to accommodate the ever changing landscape in Rust by reverting from our 3-month cycle and instead wipe only when forced. Once Rust either progresses further or fully releases this will no longer be an issue but as of right now this needs to be changed. Wiping in PvE sounds pointless, I know, but the efforts of transferring inventories will start to burn out players and leave them with nothing else to do which will eventually drive them away from Rust completely. PvE is very different compared to PvP as the risk and reward factor is there where as in PvE you can stockpile to your heart's content which leaves out the possibility of loss which Rust was built around. TL:DR All PvE servers will now only wipe when forced which may very well be a monthly thing until Rust progresses in development. Have feedback on this change? Feel free to leave below!
  4. Personal drops are now announced and are locked until the owner loots them. This change will be noted in today's update log.
  5. Death

    Factory 2

    Yes, it ran purely on wood from the vending machines.
  6. Still working on a solution. It will "eat" the one you craft and then reward you with another. It's generic atm as quests only have the option of cooldowns but I am working on solutions to allow chains and one time quests.
  7. @Mal_s This issue will be met swiftly without hesitation and soon all those dirty heathens will submit to the mighty rule of the cargo plane. Personal drops will be announced and drops locked to the owner until they loot them.
  8. @Fyreswrath A few were added yesterday under various categories. More will come soon but I would like to get a quest expire system going to reduce repetitiveness in questing. More quests will also be added in slowly so it's not overwhelming. @Skivies the current quest plugin is very basic in terms of quest and reward but regardless I will see to that quest being added.
  9. Looting, in general, is not tolerated but looting someone else's heli kill in particular is very disrespectful as it takes time and skill to down one. Use this as a learning experience and be sure to read the servers rules before reconnecting. I have lifted the ban and look forward to you rejoining our community.
  10. Next wipe will be September 7th so there's plenty of time to get started. We only hard wipe every 3 months so inventories will be carried over through forced wipes.
  11. Changelog RustEZ Discord bot has been completely overhauled to improve user experience, performance and with a few added features such as post, ban, and username integration in discord. EZ Verified integration will no longer throw an error if your discord account is not email verified and will instead reject the authentication. Accounts who do not complete the discord integration will now expire so in the event of a failed authentication you may apply for a different key. Some visual improvements Patched possible XSS weak point to prevent injections. Further responsiveness progression. Planned Gift option on the store. Credit system to allow members to charge and add credit to their EZ account to make store purchases in the future without having to charge their bank account over and over. Improved store logic to check if the player is online before sending the order. Improved store integration to notify the player of possible issues with their order instead of doing a server broadcast. Cap system integration. Improved design and mobile responsiveness.
  12. @Fyreswrath I will see if I cannot add the option to remove placeables with the hammer or otherwise increase the damage done with C4 to make it easier.
  13. Thanks for all the quest suggestions so far I will implement as many as possible!
  14. I will talk to the admin to get more information on the matter but as of right now let's consider it a learning exercise to not raid period. I'm not saying you did but let's assume foul play was involved and let us prevent it in the future. You should now be able to connect.
  15. @Maverick as I am very limited on information and the admin in which banned you is not online I will go ahead and lift the ban.
  16. As I said previously, you were banned for raiding. You either looted someone's chests, furnace or twig raided into their base. We do not tolerate raiding, period. If you could elaborate on what really happened perhaps we can use this as a learning experience instead of a perma ban.
  17. You were banned by Dangernoodle for raiding.
  18. Hud update has been pushed as well as the new maintenance task that runs every day at 1 am est to remove traps and refill populations (animals and nodes.)
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