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Everything posted by Death

  1. I can only imagine it was an issue with rust's auth system.
  2. You will never be forgotten.
  3. We've released the next wave of major updates in our beta stage. All bug reports from the last stage have been fixed and a huge UI and performance update has been released. You'll notice new features sprinkled around as well as visual improvements to what we implemented the last update. This is our first established update, therefore, an update log is really not necessary.
  4. Death

    Longer Days?

    The poll will end 06-05-2017. Be sure to get your input in before it's too late!
  5. @premedicated I've determined the issue with gallery uploads but it will take hours of recoding. See you in a few hours.
  6. It's a bug that has occurred in rust for several years and was last triggered Thursday. This is an ongoing issue but as of today, it seems it has been fixed for most people.
  7. @premedicated Please try again later while I investigate the root of the issue.
  8. @premedicated It's weird indeed. It's throwing broken php error so it must be on my end. I'll look into it.
  9. Death

    Stuff I Made

    They look great!
  10. @premedicated I will incorporate this feature next update.
  11. I went ahead and released the new updates early just to get the website back online so expect to see some... Things out of place. Feel free to report those things here in the mean time.
  12. Considering the game is broken right now, What you are guys playing?
  13. @|AF| teestat That would be the result of biome preference. Desert has more hostiles which are being affected by the current limitations.
  14. Death

    Syn Manor

    Near the main town want to raid it tonight?
  15. Death


    Many cocks have been slaine on those lands.
  16. The survival aspect is a huge part of PvE and without it, we're simply just beating each others wood.
  17. Death

    Longer Days?

    It's been suggested countless times that we implement a day vote system but I'd like to keep the server vanilla and because of this, the system isn't possible as of right now. Instead, I would like to gauge the community on their thoughts of increasing the length of days rather than having the day vote system implemented. If you vote please provide your reasoning below!
  18. Death

    Syn Manor

    The screenshot is not centered so I'm afraid I'll have to dock some points off for that.
  19. Have screenshots taken from our server? Submit them to our gallery and be rewarded with in-game goodies depending on quantity and quality of screenshots uploaded! View Gallery
  20. Everyone needs a good cocking from time to time.
  21. @Billy Madison I'm working to implement the day vote system. For the instant smelting, it's just not possible on a vanilla server. We will introduce instant crafting as a donation perk later down the road.
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