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Everything posted by Death

  1. Death

    gather rates

    Level 50 is x5 before it was x7 which was a bit too high. Some yields may seem low only because their rates have yet to be adjusted.
  2. The BP system will not affect skins but will affect the way you craft tools and guns. Instead of pressing Q to craft let's say an AK, you'll first either need to research the AK by finding one or taking them from another player. If you're successful in the research it will give you a BP which you then can use to craft additional AKs and all additional weapons. You can also find BPs in monuments as you would any other component but it will be a very rare drop. If you find a duplicated blueprint which you already have learned it will stay in your inventory to which you can then give or sell to other players. This system is designed to prevent fresh spawns from crafting an AK in the first 20 minutes of playing. But the issue most servers will face is that BP's do not wipe along with servers and can go months with the same data causing players with progression to basically become alphas unless the server wipes BPs everyone which would be very rare. TL: DR To craft a weapon you'll need to research an existing weapon or find a blueprint. Dupe blueprints can be traded or sold. If in the event majority dislikes the BP system all EZ servers will allow players to learn all BP's on login.
  3. Will be included in the next update
  4. Sedan Improvements Since its implementation, Sedan will be getting a few cosmetic and function improvements this week such as improved colliders (No more crashing into hemp bushes) as well as working head, and tail lights. You can toggle the Sedan's lights by pressing F. Buildzone Improvements Players can no longer place twig stairs in restricted build zones and instead can now only place twig foundations and foundation walls. This change is to improve the quality of base defenses such as high walls, barricades and spike traps as players can no longer bypass them using raid stairs. Stone Gate Improvements The high external stone gate has been updated to include more barbs and panels around the side as well as a faster door animation. Default Map Maps can no longer be crafted and instead, players will have one by default without the need of having it in their inventory. This will allow players to maintain alterations such as markers, notes, and doodles in addition to freeing up an inventory slot and eliminating the need to have to craft them every respawn. Socket Improvements Salvaged shelves can now be placed over existing boxes. Furnaces, chests, and fridges can now be picked up using the hammer. Furnace craft price reduction. Large furnaces can now be spawned under floor grills. Miscellaneous Wooden ladders can be stacked to 5 Can repair damaged ladders Can stack items that have condition if their condition is maxed out Raw and spoiled meat no longer goes straight to belt when picked up Updated grass materials AI Progress Fixed shadow quality change from 0 to 2 View full news
  5. Done
  6. Death

    The moves!

    Now this corpse knew how to boogy!
      • 3
      • Haha
      • Confused
  7. Death


    @CowboyRob99 Delivered
  8. Death


    @Sippin Fnordies Delivered
  9. Death


    @PattyPN Delivered
  10. Death


    @Felicity Delivered
  11. This gives me ideas...
  12. No chill!
  13. @Fyreswrath Don't let your memes be dreams
  14. That's hilarious!
  15. Death


    The current setup allows players to leave them on at all times but I love the idea of being able to turn them all on and off. I will implement this as soon as possible.
  16. We've finally migrated to the new Discord API to sync EZ and Discord accounts as well as user groups. Due to the nature of how Discord ID's were stored vs how they are now, we went ahead and wiped all of the old data. Everyone will need to link their Discord account to their EZ account to continue to have full access on our Discord. Become EZ-Verified
  17. Keep up the great feedback!
  18. @Fyreswrath We will be adapting lusty map very soon which will give me the ability to add icons to the map which I will ensure goodwill as a spot on the world map. I'm also testing the new auto repair plugin that will repair everything within a 40 radius of the focused target. (/er on|off)
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