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Everything posted by Death

  1. Correct, but the update coming shortly will just be for Bradley. We're working to update heli signals to work with the new system before it's enabled for instancing. Bradley signals are already compatible. Bradley signals will be implemented Monday for live testing and added to the new Blackmarket Wednesday or Thursday.
  2. A solution for this is in the works for our survival and scourge servers. Unfortunately Pure will remain as-is so it's important to report these players to the admins so they can handle accordingly.
  3. I will see about removing the marker until a proper solution is implemented. It's being treated that way because that's how the game recognizes it. Since it's not locked and provides you with world drop loot, it's being treated as such until changed on our end.
  4. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 1.20.22
  5. Death

    Combat log

    Changed Status to Working
  6. Death

    Lost lifetime vip ?

    Changed Status to Closed
  7. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 1.20.22
  8. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 1.20.22
  9. Death

    Racism bans

    For the sake of this not turning into a political debate, and the OP seemingly having gathered the feedback they were after, I'll be locking this thread to further replies.
  10. Death

    Map Changes

    If everything goes well, we'll be increasing our map size to 4.1k next month (from 4k, originally 4.5k.)
  11. Death

    Racism bans

    Being racist implies you are prejudice against someone based on their race. A moment of lapsed judgement doesn't make you inherently racist, as doing something dumb doesn't make you a dumb person. Not all racism bans have racist intentions. So by me saying I don't think they're inherently racist, I'm not referring to those who were being racist, rather the ones who used the word vaguely with no intent to harm, etc. Context matters. A word is not racist, it's how you use it.
  12. Death

    Racism bans

    I'd like to think a good portion of people who use slurs on the internet are not actually racist, rather go above and beyond for a reaction and/or attention. The idea behind zero tolerance is to ensure there's no confusion as to when and where it's appropriate.
  13. Death

    Map Changes

    The lack of scientists is not map-related. Facepunch broke them last update.
  14. Death

    Map Changes

    As you may recall, we scaled our maps down in December from 3,500 to 3,000 which was a 10%-ish decrease in size. This change had drastic improvements over server and client performance, but with a drastic decrease in space. Normally, I would slowly increase the map size every month until we find that sweet spot, but in doing so could re-introduce some of the previous issues we've encountered the majority of the year. Had it not been so bad I would say it's worth the risk, but I'm torn between starting to increment in January, or keeping it as-is for at least another solid month of smooth and stable gameplay. While I would normally start an internal discussion and let the admins responsible for that server decide, I thought it would be better, in this case, to hear it directly from the source. Please let me know if you'd prefer at least another month of stable gameplay, or if you'd prefer to see incremental larger maps every month until we hit the sweet spot in exchange for possible issues we've seen before in the past. Also, share your opinion in a brief reply if you don't mind. It's not required, though, appreciated!
  15. If you have no plans for Christmas come hang out with us on Discord or in-game! There's no reason to spend the holidays by yourself
  16. Changed Status to Released
  17. Death

    Inactive Purge

    Changed Status to Closed
  18. Death

    Inactive Purge

    This was a miscommunication on my end. This update wasn't meant to be implemented until mid wipe.
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