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Everything posted by Death

  1. Not something I'm able to change. You'd have to go into your client bundle files and replace the icon yourself.
  2. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 4.24.20
  3. 1) No, but their dung protection will be increased. 2) Yes 3) Way too many as far as players using them or them being spawned in the wild? 4) No, the lag is from garbage collection which will be fixed next wipe. We did change inactive time from 14 days to 10 days which will greatly help to clean up abandoned bases.
  4. We've not done anything to limit or disable any vending machines in the game. The issue was only just reported to our bug tracker 5 hours ago. It's very important that all issues are posted there. Something that isn't working as intended, or is unusual, constitutes a bug report. My time has been very limited the past few days as I'm working on the side to make up for lost wages due to my layoff. I will be getting back into the swings of things and knocking out these issues asap. I will post an announcement shortly explaining changes and the situation with the lag spikes.
  5. Death

    Crazyy Launch Site

    Changed Status to Closed
  6. There's a lot of internal discussion in the background to resolve this issue. With recent server performance issues this month, my focus has been taken away from micro mechanics. Everything will be in full swing next wipe, unless a patch comes out sooner, until then my main priority is keeping servers stable until the update.
  7. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 4.16.20
  8. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 4.16.20
  9. Changed Status to Released
  10. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 4.15.20
  11. Changed Status to Working
  12. The auto recycle wasn't a feature. It was a required component because the player was unable to interact with the button due to networking limitations. Recent innovations allows me to network the player to the entity regardless its position in the world. Also, the physical recycler is spawned the entire session instead of being destroyed after use. Using recycler as a backpack was an oversight I plan to rectify soon. Everything else is intentional.
  13. Changed Status to Released
  14. Changed Status to Released
  15. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 4.14.20
  16. Changed Status to Working
  17. Changed Status to Pending
  18. Changed Status to Closed
  19. I've forwarded this bug report.
  20. Changed Status to Closed
  21. I've seen this happen before. Unsure what causes it but this is client-side.
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