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Posts posted by Aurora

  1. 17 hours ago, Death said:

    I'll be honest; I'm not the best at dark color pallets, so if you spot any issues, feel free to reply to this thread, and I'll fix them as soon as possible. Suggestions are also appreciated!

    When quoting a post, it's quite difficult to distinguish between the quoted original text and the new. 

          If indented, it looks the same.

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  2. 39 minutes ago, Warzone said:

    pls death pls remove quarry

    If you check the announcement from last week:

    Quarries will be removed on Pure (next wipe)
    Quarries will not be removed on Survival for the pipes/automation mods
    Player-placed quarries removed on Scourge and quarries limited to public quarries  -- but virtual instances so it has loot/theft prevention built in to the public quarries on the map (the next wipe, when the changes are ready to roll out).

    While I'm all for the changes to quarries as proposed --  I think it would be pretty shitty to yank quarries out mid-wipe on any of the servers. I don't know how much "sooner" you can plan those kind of changes other than the next wipe?



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  3. I see the proposed changes to the quarries on servers as being a positive change, overall.

    - Pure without quarries keeps the server true to the vanilla experience. 
    - Survival, with the jpipe mod needs to keep player-owned (private) quarries. That was the main appeal of the server when I played it.
    - On Scourge, limiting use to public/monument quarries (but using the virtual containers to prevent looting/theft on PvE server) is also a good idea.

    There is no mention of player levels on the modded servers for quarries. I think the levels are great on the modded servers -- but like the chainsaw and jackhammer -- should not apply to quarries (i.e. on Survival as player-placed and Scourge as a public/virtual instance the quarry output shouldn't be modified).

    The changes to pumpjacks are reasonable, given that the changes are designed to improve performance and do not impact input or output. No mention of upgrade on PJs though. The option to upgrade one PJ to level 2 (instead of placing 2 PJs) is nice.

    Also, I really do miss small shelves. It's not a deal breaker but as I was one of the players (along with @Vonblood and @ScarletFox and a few others) who hounded you to have them on the modded server, I hope to see an item/function similar to this make it's way back to EZ.

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  4. A Discord channel specifically for discussion and posting images related to custom Rust maps/prefabs and the likes. Allow images in the channel -- but make it so people either request access to the channel or see a message so they know that images must be related to the channel topic.  

    I love checking out the custom stuff that the EZ community is working on (or playing) but the images and chat is lost in the memes. :(

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  5. On 8/17/2020 at 8:41 PM, alexanightfire said:

    It would be awesome if the teas that provide bonuses (like % ore when mining) were tweaked to last beyond death if you revive yourself! Just tested and if you revive with an ore tea boost, you lose the boost regardless of how much boost time you have left :(. Thanks!

    Yes, please @Death

    I spent 2+ hours farming to get the berries to make a pure ore tea... died about 5 minutes after drinking.  Would love to see the tea bonus persist through death -- or  only on a revive (versus respawn) would also be a great option!

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  6. It's annoying to run MT and have scientists respawn before you can activate the puzzle and get in the green key card room.  This is the best way I have found to get all the loot (scientists and puzzles).

    Go with a friend if possible! Run the tunnel and clear all scientists' right to the blue door.  Have one player go back to the start area to place the fuse, while the other player goes to the green door and waits for it to light up.  When you finish your part of the puzzle at each room (fuse and green), head to the blue door. You'll probably meet up around the center loot train. Usually, if you run back and use the fuse immediately after killing the last scientist in the open tunnel, you'll be through the blue door when they start to respawn.

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  7. Another tip is to use the in game performance indicator to test what game settings will decrease FPS issues on your system.

    Performance Indicator: Display values in bottom left of screen. 


    Ingame, press F1 to open your console. In console type: perf value (where value = 0 to 6)

    • perf 0    Turn off all counters
    • perf 1    Display FPS
    • perf 2    Display FPS and latency
    • perf 3    Display FPS, latency and RAM usage
    • perf 4    Display FPS, latency, RAM usage and garbage collection
    • perf 5    Display FPS, latency, RAM usage, garbage collection and ping
    • perf 6    Display FPS, latency, RAM usage, garbage collection, ping and tasks

    (Note: Perf List can be found here)

    With the indicator enabled, you will see details about latency, FPS and so on. If you have issues, it can be helpful to turn on perf, walk around areas of the map with many large builds. Once you take a performance hit, you can adjust or disable high impact settings in your graphics options menu (one at a time) to see which changes will help stabilize values.

    Some settings to tweak include the following:

    • Graphics Quality
    • Water Quality
    • Shader Level
    • Draw Distance
    • Anisotropic Filtering
    • Max Tree Meshes
    • Anti-aliasing
    • Depth of Field
    • Max Gibs
    • Motion Blur

    After you adjust a setting, move around and go back to the area where you had the performance issue to test for improvements. It might take some time to tweak settings, but it's worth taking the time to do, if you have issues!

    • Like 1
  8. Cap your FPS so it doesn't work harder trying to achieve unrealistic goals. Personally, using unlimited FPS versus capping it to my average FPS on the server was a huge improvement.This seriously helpful tip has been provided many times in the Discord, so I thought I'd collect Death's comments on the topic and post it here as well:

    Death: There are a few things you can do to your settings to help. First thing would be to turn shadows all the way down and cap your fps to a sensible number. 60 is a good start. Capping your FPS is wise for any game, especially Rust. You will not benefit from anything over 60 -- instead, your computer will constantly work full throttle to keep up.

    • Ingame, press F1 to open your console.
    • In console, copy and paste (or type) fps.limit 60
    • Then, click ESC to bring up the menu. 
    • Click the cogwheel (settings) and turn down anything that says shader or shadow
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  9. image.thumb.png.5e0113517dbc2fb61a9f034fd7bfbaca.png

    The fastest way to level up your stats is to use a bone club to harvest everything, and don't play the mini games (X on trees and sparkles on nodes). The bone club takes the longest to harvest an entity, which basically means more XP per entity.  

    Here's the test (I used mining but it works in the same way for harvesting trees):

    Mining level 16 (1%). 

    • Harvest one stone node, using a salvaged ice pick, hitting all sparkles. Level increased from 1% to 10%.
    • Harvest one stone node, using a bone club, avoiding the sparkles. Level increased from 10% to 98%.

    Boosting your stats with a bone club has one drawback. At lower levels you'll collect less materials from each node.

    • Level 16 - Salvaged Icepick + Mini Game = 6 hits for 1,161 stone
    • Level 16 - Bone Club + No Mini Game = 76 hits for 524 stone

    You can counter this by using the new Ore tea. This lets you maximize hits per entity with the club and harvest a decent amount of materials.

    • Level 16 - Bone Club + No Mini Game + Advanced Ore Tea = 76 hits for 781 stone
      (Pure teas will provide max bonus, I just didn't have one to use)

    When harvesting to boost stats, an auto harvest key is useful. It's basically auto attack + duck. Equip the bone club, stand in front of the node and hit the auto harvest key (and save yourself from 76 manual mouse clicks). :)

    To bind an auto harvest key, open the F1 console and type the following: bind z attack;duck

    Ducking helps when mining nodes, but I find it easier to harvest trees using only the attack key (omit ;duck from the keybind).

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  10. Disliked parachutes overall, tbh.

    Players used it to quick loot the server. F1 kill and drop onto Launch, Dome, top of sewer tower, and other desirable places. A couple hazmats in your backpack and you can easily F1 kill, chute to dome, toss the loot to your backpack, F1 kill and chute to top of launch and repeat until you clear everything.  Also, the annoyance of inadvertently parachuting into player's bases and walled areas which is almost impossible to avoid a week after wipe on a higher pop server like Scourge.

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  11. Thanks to everyone who joined me on all the servers tonight for the build tours -- even though I nearly set Butterscotch's Tardy Love Shack on fire. ❤️ 


    • 1st Place: Butterscotch's Tardy Love Shack! ($10 RustEZ store credit)
    • 2nd Place: Wabbit's Valentines Day Shop ($5 RustEZ store credit)
    • 3rd Place: longlivekiss - Moulin Rouge (3x Supply signals for next wipe)
    • Participant's Choice: OldCrash (3x Supply signals for next wipe)
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  12. The "Build Tours" event will start tonight (Sun/23) at 7pm EST. Meet in Lobby 1 in Discord.


    Death's half ass love shack
    US-Pure  H6

    Love Shack (Noctu)
    US-Pure J6 (near k6 border)

    Dragon Love Shack   
    US-Survival Q5

    US-Scourge J-14 lower right

    Pookies Love Shack and Coffee Shop (Aurora)
    US-Scourge G20

    Wabbit's Valentines Day Shop
    US-Scourge  V14

    Catfox & Church's Love Shack
    US-Scourge W21

    Moulin Rouge Build (longlivekiss)
    US-Scourge AB17

    Butterscotch's Tardy Love Shack!
    US-Scourge D7

    Crash's Dating Site!
    EU-Scourge K13

    The Love Shack (Adman74, Jussy126 & Postanou)
    AU Pure - W11/W10 border

    EU-Pure AB11

    Very Simple Love Shack (Dragoncrusher)
    AU-Survival Z13

    Hotel (Afonsini, Coentro)
    EU-Survival, K14

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  13. Thank you for submitting the report. Admins will speak with the player on the server about the rules. In the meantime, if you have any further issues, feel free to ping @(EU)Pure in #help on Discord, while it's happening (if possible).

    Thanks! ~A

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