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Posts posted by Aurora

  1. oct-bolty.jpg.d3ac80ccb11dda4990336b28ba02a69e.jpg

    Think you have what it takes to earn the title of top sniper on any RustEZ Scourge server?

    OBJECTIVE:  Capture the longest distance zombie kill with the Bolt Action Rifle during October wipe.  Players will have from Saturday, Oct 5 to Wednesday, Nov 6 to submit their best shots.


    • Upload a screenshot that clearly shows the hit in the kill feed.  No cropping or editing.
    • Players must secure their own weapon and ammo to participate in the challenge.
    • You can work in pairs/groups but only the player name shown in the kill feed can enter the screenshot.
    • Yes, capturing and posting the kill feed screenshot is required (see #1). Combat logs are not accepted for this challenge.
    • No cheating or being dishonest: You will be disqualified from this and all future monthly server challenges.

    REWARDS (for November wipe):

    • First Place: 1x Supply signal, 1x Bolt action rifle + scope of choice
    • Second and Third places:  1x supply signal
    • RNG Prize: A random October challenge participant will also win a supply signal

    You may enter as many kill feed screenshots as you want to increase your chances at winning the RNG prize, however only your best distance will count for top 3 awards.


    Winners are announced in this forum thread, usually the day after wipe. If you win, simply ask an admin for your prize, after the next forced server wipe.

    GLHF! Even if it's not a winning shot, please feel free upload and share your kill feed attempts, screens of your sniper gear or sniper tower here for discussion.

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  2. make-deal-rust-font-logo.jpg.fd7a7da0dbe1dd07f4841513e5d77a17.jpg

    Come on down! You're the next contestant on Let's Make a Deal, Scourge! The game show where players win big, go home a loser, or die on stage in front of the live studio audience.

    The Rules are Simple...

    Ten contestants from the studio audience will be randomly chosen have a chance to join Scourge hosts on stage. You will be offered a mystery item and given the choice to keep the item and walk away (*cough* stay alive) or trade it in for a prize locked in a chest or behind a door on the stage.

    When players choose to make a deal with the host hey don't know if they are trading up for a better item (like a personal patrol helicopter experience or $10 RustEZ store credit) or if the trade in will be a "NULLER" (slang for a bad trade or an instant death prize). Ten additional players will have the option to win the prize the contestants pass up.

    Let's Make a Deal, Scourge, will run Thursday,  September 26 from 8 to 9 pm Eastern. Hosts will be available 15 minutes prior to show time. Players from other servers are always welcome to join us – as game show participants or audience members. Some prizes, like the RustEZ store credits can be redeemed on any of the servers.

    Get Ready!

    Help Scourge hosts out by doing a few things in advance of event start time:

    • Arrive with basic clothes, food and water only. Leave valuables at your base. No weapons please.
    • Scourge admins will teleport everyone to "Studio 3" at the Scourge Event Arena prior to show time!
    • If you want to gather in Discord (US-Scourge chat), please join voice chat early and have Push-to-Talk (PTT) enabled. 
    • Make sure you have signs turned on in your game options. (Game Options > Censorship > Hide Signs *OFF*).


    Have questions about server events and how to participate? Ask an admin in game or read the FAQ!





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  3. You can ping any admin on Scourge in game and we'll check it out. Usually, in the last week of wipe (Tues/Wed) we'll pick a couple evenings and use the event command to port players around to tour other player's builds and events.

    Also, feel free to post a map grid and screenshot of the build if it is left open for other players to find and view on their own.

  4. Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 1 Winners: 1st @~milo 2nd @FENRI 3rd @thaboss
    Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 2 Winners: 1st @phat 2nd @~milo 3rd @slippery
    Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 3 Winners: 1st @bluebot 2nd @Kaztastrophe 3rd @Lindsay
    MVP tape collector: Bart

    Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 1 Winners: 1st ~milo 2nd FENRI 3rd thaboss
    Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 2 Winners: 1st Phat Boiii 2nd ~milo 3rd Slippery Mc Nuts
    Mad Jack's Labyrinth ROUND 3 Winners: 1st BlueBothan 2nd Kaztastrophe 3rd Lindsay Lohan






  5. mad-jack.jpg.bfdbad4b6c11d6b966d69474fbbe6597.jpg

    Sunday, September 22, 8 pm EST

    The Four Guards/Firey 4/Ambrosius: Well, the only way out of here is to try one of these doors!
    The Four Guards/Fireys: One of them leads to the castle at the end of the labyrinth, and the other one leads to…
    The Four Guards/Firey 4/Ambrosius: Ba-baba-BOOM!
    The Four Guards/Fireys: Certain DEATH!
    The Four Guards/Firey 4/Ambrosius: Ooooooooooooohhhhh!

    Turn left? Strafe right? Each round of Jack's maze will have you avoiding death traps as you run for the center. When the first three players make it to Jack's jail cell, the gate will automatically close and all players will transported out to start the next round.

    Prizes for this event are in-game rewards on US-Scourge. There will be three rounds of play with the following prizes:

    Round Prizes:

    • 1st: Gold Egg
    • 2nd: Silver Egg
    • 3rd: Bronze Egg

    Each round winner will also receive one of the maze runner outfits to keep for rest of wipe (one per player).

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  6. Thanks everyone for showing up and chillin' at Tøny and Wabbit's builds on US-Scourge.

    I've only recorded a couple clips in Rust so far, and it is painfully obvious. I'll try to figure out how to *not* record the Discord beeps (my bad) and make the stop recording macro work so I don't end every clip with my inventory opening. If you know how to do either of those, reply and let me know. :)

    That was a whole lot of fun!  

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  7. killawatt-2.thumb.jpg.7044c8a6160b3da9bd4f0258335c303d.jpg


    In this gruesome game show, players are confined to their own space with their own respective doors.  Each door is attached to a random numbered switch on the board. Players take turns picking a switch to try and "knock out" (eliminate) the other contestants. 

    Choose wisely! You could very well pick your own door switch!

    How The Event Works:

    • Players join the event with an empty inventory and no access to backpacks.
    • The first 30 players to successfully grab a seat will play for prizes.
    • Once all of the seats have been filled, hosts will start the game.
    • During the game hosts go in order and have players select a number from the switchboard (that remains, of course) until everyone has been knocked out except for the final player.
    • Contestants are knocked out when the door behind them opens.

    There is up to three rounds of play depending on total number of event participants. If multiple round of play are needed, the final round will see all first to third place winners in previous round play for the EZ store credit prizes. Players waiting for a chance to claim a seat in the game show remain in the audience during rounds.


    • 1st: $10 EZ Store Credit
    • 2nd:  $5 EZ Store Credits
    • 3rd: 3x supply signals

    Fun fact:  Knocking on Death's Door is a server favorite and we run this game show event a couple times each wipe, often changing the electrical setup and coming up with new and creative ways to eliminate participants when they are knocked out  of the event.


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  8. zombie-sniper-post.thumb.jpg.7bd2b41eb4a6d4f6d9b31cbfd6cdf96c.jpg

    Think you have what it takes to earn the title of top Scourge sniper?

    OBJECTIVE:  Capture the longest distance zombie kill with the L96 Rifle during September wipe. 

    Players on all RustEZ Scourge servers (AU, EU and US) will have from the start of the new wipe on Thursday, September 05 to Wednesday, October 02 to submit their best shot.


    1.    Upload a screenshot that clearly shows the hit in the kill feed.  No cropping or editing.
    2.    Players must secure their own weapon and ammo to participate in the challenge.
    3.    You can work in pairs/groups but only the player name shown in the kill feed can enter the screenshot.
    4.    Yes, capturing and posting the kill feed screenshot is required (see #1). Combat logs are not accepted for this challenge.
    5.    No cheating or being dishonest: You will be disqualified from this and all future monthly server challenges.

    REWARDS (for October wipe):

    • First Place: 1x Supply signal, 1x L96 Rifle
    • Second and Third places: 1x supply signal
    • A random September Challenge participant will also win a supply signal, so be sure to post your best shot in this forum thread!

    You may enter as many kills as you want to increase your chances at winning the RNG prize, however only your best distance will count for top 3 awards.


    Winners are announced in this forum thread prior to the new wipe. If you win, simply ask an admin in-game for your prize, after the next forced server wipe.

    GLHF! Even if it's not a winning shot, please feel free upload and share your kill feed attempts, screens of your sniper gear or sniper tower here for discussion!



    Previous Monthly Zombie Challenges:

    August Wipe Challenge: Nailed it!

    July Wipe Challenge: Best Zombie Bow Hunter

    June Wipe Challenge: Best Bolty Sniper

    May Wipe Challenge: MGL Zombie Popper

    April Wipe Challenge:  Zombie Snipers Wanted


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    (Please ask an admin on your usual Scourge server for prizes after Sept wipe)

    Postanou 342.6 ~ 1x Supply signal, 1x Golden Egg, 1x Nailgun
    MPhilly 292.19 ~ 1x supply signal
    Warlord Ubba 217.9 ~ 1x supply signal
    ansibomber 152.8
    Pocketheals 102.7 ~  RNG winner 1x supply signal
    MDK    59.1
    CephalonAngel 47.5

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  10. I LOVE chickens! My first pet chicken's name was Cheepy. He was hatched in an incubator in a science class. Also, here is a pic of my favorite chickens at a small zoo near me. I'm all about those funky chickens.


    I totally think this suggestion is worth Death's consideration. What a great idea, Sharla!


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  11. scourge-events-faq.JPG.ffb0216953b021d8c2431ecbe0241704.JPG

    We host many different Rust PvE server events for players during each wipe.  These events are built by RustEZ admins and designed to scale for any number of players. Here is what you need to know about participating in our server events:

    Player Event Commands

    • Type /event in game chat to join an event.
    • Type /event leave in game chat if you need to leave an event early.
    • Use "Respawn" from the death screen if you die while in an event.

    How do I find out about Rust EZ PvE server events?
    Event details are posted in the forums (usually in Announcements), in Discord (#Announcements) and announced in game chat.

    How long do server events last?
    Most server events run for an hour, so plan to be online for the duration, if possible. Some events (like building contests, photo contests or wipe challenges) may run for an entire wipe.  The announcement post will provide event-specific duration, rules and prize info.

    What if the event is not on my usual Rust EZ PvE server?
    Players are welcome to join any RustEZ server for an event-- even if it is not hosted on the server you usually play. If you win, you can redeem most prizes on any of our servers.

    How do I join an EZ server event?
    When the event starts, you will see a server message that includes the event name and instructions to type /event to join. Keep in mind:

    • Most server events require players to join with an empty inventory, clothing and hot bar. If the server uses the backpack mod, you will be unable to access your backpack during the event.
    • If an event requires you to bring your own gear, admins will provide details in-game chat, otherwise prepare to join the event nekkid.
    • Do not use the /event command when you are seated (chair, boat, minicopter, horse and so on). You cannot teleport while mounted.

    What if I die during the event?
    Click "Respawn" from the kill screen and you will return to the event start location. Do not use revive (modded servers) or respawn to a placed bed/bag if you are in an event. Only choose the Respawn option.

    How do I leave an EZ server event?
    When the event is over, admins will end the event and you will return to your previous in-game location.

    If you need to leave an event early type /event leave in game chat. Do not leave an event using any other method (i.e. /tp or /home) as this may result in lost inventory items.

    I Won! How do I get my prize?

    • Participation Rewards: When an event is ended by an admin, all participants can choose a reward from a prize selection screen.  If you used /event leave this award will not be available to you.
    • In-Game Prizes: After an event ends, admins will verify winners and deposit prizes in the player's inventory. If you play on another server, you will need to ask an admin on that server for the prize.
    • EZ Store Credits: If you win RustEZ store credits, we need your registered RustEZ username.  Log in to the website and reply to the event post on the forum (or visit the Staff page and send a PM to the admin who hosted the event) so we can make sure the EZ store credits are delivered to the correct player.


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