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Everything posted by JackTapper

  1. Au Scourge: reported by ScarletFox
  2. players are reporting issues with lights and sprinklers after last restart. Unable to reproduce they are seeing large latency time from turning on lights to the lights activating. Today at 7:13 PM @jacktapper I tried my lights above my planters, took a min before the 1st of 8 ceiling lights turn on
  3. looking at your account we see your ban was two years ago. I have no issue removing this ban, but before your rejoin please take the time to read the rules. And remember there is no stealing, raiding or toxic behaviors allowed on our servers.
  4. Offender: yellowemmily BM Steam Server: Eu Scourge Time: 8:52pm Length:3 day Reason: toxic comments this was after receiving a warning form admin, I attempted to talk with this player before warning but player continued to run away thus issued warning with information i had. While attempting to clear the air both party's were asked to stop in chat this way i could clear up the situation. Player then started to post comments about the server at that point 3 day time out was issued.
  5. My apologies i re looked at the player that was meant to be banned and your correct. there was another player with similar name i have correct this error. Again my Apologies.
  6. Offender: meimay Bm steam Server: Us Scourge Time: 10:55 Length: perm Reason: toxic and underage sexual comments. Player also tc grief other players to prevent building.
  7. Offender: juccie BM Steam Server: Us Scourge Time: 10:55 Length: 3 day Reason: Toxic behavior, calling players cunts after admin spoke with players previously to stop.
  8. Offender: Gob BM Steam Server: Us Scourge Time: 10:55 Length: 3 day Reason: Toxic behavior, calling players cunt and mic spamming screaming in mic for extended period of time at people
  9. I was standing behind you when you were screaming fuck fuck fuck fuck then started to shoot the payers horse saying its going to die. The 3 day will stand please take the time to read the rules when your ban is complete.
  10. The UI to track Npc base is unclick-able while in inv, only access is with chat open.
  11. Firstly let me start by saying we have No safe place for racist comments. As far as your nephew goes i have to look at this as you were doing the action as this is your account and ultimately your responsibility to maintain security of it. With that said, seeing this is your first interaction with staff and looking at your past history before today I will offer you a second chance. Please take time to read the server rules on the launch screen when rejoining.
  12. Offender: KittyMiloJustice 27244059351919 Battlemetrics Server: Us Scourge Time: 5:00 pm est Length: 14 Days Reason: Stealing More Info (Optional):
  13. JackTapper


    v4.3.20 was the last version to report to BM Console. v4.4.20 and above only reports load and unload status
  14. Join us for a shocking new twist on this gruesome game show. In Kill-A-Watt, players are confined to their own space with their very own fully charged (and ready to fry) Tesla coil. Each coil is attached to a random numbered switch on the board. Players take turns picking a number to try and eliminate other contestants. Choose wisely! You could very well pick your own Tesla switch! Saturday 20th , 7-8 pm EST (US-Scourge) How The Event Works: Players join the event with an empty inventory and no access to backpacks. The first 24 players to successfully grab a Room will play for prizes. Once all of the rooms have been filled, hosts will start the game. During the game hosts go in order and have players select numbers until everyone has been eliminated except for the final player. There is up to three rounds of play depending on total number of event participants. The final round will award EZ store credit prizes. Prizes: 1st: $10 EZ Store Credit 2nd: $5 EZ Store Credit 3rd: 3x supply signals
  15. Pumpjack's resetting Shared container toggles on server restart both containers
  16. Player : Dogstar Server: Eu Scourge this player is un-able to place Quarry, receiving the error that they already own a Quarry. I have verified they currently do not.
  17. when placing Failed Check: Sphere Test (prefabpreprocess - Client/water_catcher_large/sockets/free/notinsphere 1) This triggers no matter where i try to place the catcher on ground
  18. Normally we require a appeal from the player that did the ban, but i can say it was worse then frick that was typed into the sleeping bag. ebraun40: I just renamed a bag owned by <redacted> to NIGGA He will have to wait the 3 hours the server autoban gave him. Also in the future we do not give safe harbor to racist comments.
  19. I would have to say i am not a fan of long duration of pvp. From doing our events i have noticed that it only takes one player the ruin the fun for the rest by camping them over and over. Much so lately we will disable PVP between round and use our tools so when you revive your naked with out tools or access to you body. As for the the event some of the one we build literally take days of prep for maybe 30-50 mins of run time. Keeping in mind this is an admin building the event from scratch every wipe. For example Us Scourges Kill-a-Watt event takes me 24 in-game hours to build and wire every thing for a weekend event this doesn't take account of stopping to help players with issues or resolve other issues as they arise. Now saying that yes its a lot of time invested but i enjoy doing it.
  20. I would have to agree less we play with vendors less likely they are to break in future patches
  21. like the concept, only issue i have is if its in discord i see the channel getting used for other things. I wouldn't be apposed to a section on the website, this would keep discord clean and drive traffic to the site.
  22. cant wait to tour all these thank you for everyone that joined the contest
  23. do you mean the image that is in blue when you try to place it? if so i like
  24. As this is your first offence, i will reverse the ban. But do keep in mind we do not give any racist/hate language a safe place. Please take the time to read the rules on the server info tab when you connect or using /info in game chat.
  25. Us Scourge is also effected in voice with two that just attempted to trade. One player gets the window with no one on the accept side, the other player that accepted did not get a window.
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