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Everything posted by Death

  1. All issues associated with SyncPipes should be posted here. Please provide as much information as possible. Thank you!
  2. Death

    DLC Skins

    Changed Status to Closed
  3. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.7.22
  4. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.6.22
  5. Here's our custom monument picks for the October wipe featuring brand new spooky-themed monuments for players to explore and loot! Sinister Church A Hunt Showdown inspired church with a cellar of torture featuring a red card puzzle and plenty of areas to explore. By Gruber Graveyard of Rustcoon City A world of living undead means you need to die before you can life forever! Complete the puzzle and claim the loot. By Kaho
  6. This month our Elysium server will be featuring a brand new custom map by Gruber called Cataclysm: Fury of Nature. Continuing the story from our previous map, this also includes stunning landscapes, over a dozen custom monuments, and pretty exciting lore. More Information https://codefling.com/maps/cataclysm-fury-of-nature
  7. Putting a cap on how many composters you can place will have the same outcome as say making pickle farming redundant. Either way it kills the meta, but one adds a needless restriction and the other doesn't.
  8. The feedback so far has been incredibly useful and muchly appreciated. In the meantime we're working non-stop to find better alternatives to achieve what we're after. Regardless what happens we aren't perfect, and we won't always make the best decision. But what we always do is evaluate how our changes effect how you play and make adjustments accordingly. At the end of the day our servers are for our players. We have to make the touch decision to change certain mechanics to balance the gameplay for your own benefit, even if you don't see it that way at first. If we make a terrible decision, we'll fix it and learn from the mistake.
  9. Pure needs it's own custom solution for this which is why it's taking so long. That and we have so many projects going on at once. Sorry for the delay, I'll try and get this out soon!
  10. I imagine in your head you don't think you're effecting anyone else's gameplay, but that's not actually the case. Your massive farms cause client lag, and you wiping out the npc vending machine's trades to maximize credit earnings effect players farming modestly. I'd argue at 6.2m credits you've already beat capitalism. There's no point in farming credit anymore, unless that's the only enjoyment you get on our servers which in that case we've completely failed you. I will continue working to ensure you have meaningful activities to do outside of an endless grind to inflate an arbitrary number. Profit is not a deciding factor for us. We've proven this many times in the past. If our changes impacts how you use our store then so be it. Our aim is to ensure balance and offering players a meaningful experience outside of standing in your base all day refilling composters for ridiculous profit.
  11. We'd rather work to make it it impossible to do so than impose more tedious restrictions. While we're only focusing on scrap production right now, our plan is to touch everything and ensure the potential on yields for GE, quarries, PJs, etc, are balanced and don't compromise the value of certain items.
  12. Scrap is used for researching, progressing through the tech tree, buying resources, etc. Scrap is a huge part of the economy. Also, the making life fun for others I assume means giving them a bunch of stuff. If so that does more harm than good. Sure they appreciate an easy start but you'll deprive them from a major component of the game, which is farming for the stuff you need. That will drastically decrease their motivation to play.
  13. Even if you combine doing all of those things, it would never come close to the yield from composter farming. You can have a 200 horse farm sure, but the tax of having to maintain the horses and collecting the dung actually encourages playing the game, whereas with pickles it's mostly set and forget.
  14. Bringing back vanilla sell orders for pickles was considered, however, in doing so would cause the vendor to be constantly out of stock causing issues, as well as allowing a small group of players to continue to profit by continuing to buy out all of the stock.
  15. We've adjusted the processing rate of composters in an attempt to find a meaningful way to nerf scrap farming while also improving server performance. We've not seen any noticeable improvement in performance as of yet. The dilemma currently is there are only 2 routes to go about squashing the pickle meta due to how the margins of profit are right on the line of either being profitable or not at all. This is because in order to produce 2 fertilizers, you need 12 pickles which costs 2 scrap. You then sell the 2 fertilizers for 3 scrap, yielding a single scrap in profit. Because of that, there's absolutely no way of nerfing that. The only solution would be to average out the margin to make pickle farming no longer profitable but still have an option to turn pickles found out in the wild into fertilizer for profit by increasing the price to buy pickles, thus forcing players to break even instead of profiting. The alternative is to nerf the composter processing rate like it is now to reduce potential profit over a period of time. The problem is, doing so may encourage players to build larger farms to compensate for the change, but I strongly feel that doing so would make it far too cumbersome and make it a far less efficient method of farming scrap. Before going any further, I'd like to get your opinion and to see whether or not you utilize this method of farming and gather ideas to destroy the endless scrap farming meta without entirely killing your experience. If you vote, please let me know your thoughts in the comments! TL;DR Pickle farming is fucked. It allows players to easily farm millions of scrap per week with minimal effort, which has a huge impact on both the player's progression, the progression of the server, and the player economy. If you vote, please let me know your thoughts in the comments!
  16. Due to the severity of the infraction you're unfortunately not eligible for an appeal. Racism is not a joke and has no place in our community.
  17. Item durability loss has been nerfed. Thank you for your feedback!
  18. The fuel is not eaten, it's spit out of the inventory. For large furnace it spits it out on top of it which is unfortunate. This is a vanilla bug that should be fixed in the upcoming forced wipe.
  19. The amount of durability you lose is based on the amount of damage you receive, offset by the protection the armor provides. The % of loss is distributed based on where you're hit. So if you're shot in the chest by a scientist, that will absorb the durability loss. It's designed exactly how it is in vanilla for PvP with the exact same rates. That's not to say it's perfectly balanced, but at the same time this is quite literally the only thing that causes durability loss to your armor. Bring a few sets with you and repair as needed. Most monuments have repair benches for this reason. I had another look and I do agree the durability loss is a bit high and came to the conclusion that the damage NPCs deal are much higher than that of a player, so the mathification from damage to durability loss is not going to match what you'd receive in pvp anyways. I'm working on it now to balance things a bit more
  20. Death

    Revive button

    Setting your UI Scale back to default will fix that. Default is 1.0 I think
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