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Everything posted by Death

  1. There's been an update to address this. - Vehicles can no longer take damage from other players - Modular vehicle, and all of its components, now properly set ownership when placed on a lift - Modular car lifts can no longer be accessed by unauthorized players (modded) - Camper module now creates a home to the owner, and allows 3 additional homes to be shared to other players (modded)
  2. We're already working on improving the vehicle system. Should have the update out sometime tomorrow.
  3. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 10.8.21
  4. We've decided to dedicate another month to continue pumping out bug fixes and performance improvements. We've got some juicy updates planned to tackle some of the long-forgotten (or violently ignored) bugs that have been around for a while. Do you know a bug? Please report it just encase it hasn't been reported already! https://rustez.com/bugs Quarries We're happy to announce public quarries are back to a stable and functional state, better than before might I add. (No thanks to me, but we'll get to that.) You should have no issue gambling your entire fuel stockpile overnight and not coming back to crippling disappointment, and no I don't mean playing RustEZ servers. We're so confident they're fixed that we went ahead and instanced pumpjacks! More info here: Stability Issues It's been a rather shitty experience the past couple of wipes with persistent crashes and performance issues. Thankfully, after weeks of agony, and disciplined procrastination, we've finally identified and patched several instability issues and have had great results with continued stress tests throughout September. In the process, we've also released hundreds of bug fixes, performance improvements, and QoL changes. We'll have a detailed changelog soon as soon as we release all the queued updates out in the wild. Ticket Responsiveness Responses on tickets from me have basically been non-existent and I'm very sorry about that. I'm trying my best to get back into the flow of things but life has not been that great to me lately. With IRL issues, and all my free time spent working on the servers I haven't had much time to sit down and go through them. Huge thanks to the admins and leads who stepped up to keep tickets flowing during my hiatus. If you haven't received a response from your ticket, make sure it's posted in https://rustez.com/help for the quickest response! Welcome to the Team We've brought on a new developer to help us keep performance and stability in check, and allow me to get back to doing what I enjoy, no, not breaking things, but releasing new and exciting features. I've got a lot of QoL features coming soon. Anyways... Welcome to the team @Raul and sorry in advanced for the lifelong frustration and depression that comes with coding for our servers. Accepting applications We're still accepting applications for admin positions. If you're interested send us a quick application at https://rustez.com/apply! Please give us some time to respond to your application.
  5. Virtual pumpjacks allow an infinite amount of players to operate a public pumpjack without interfering with other players. Each player has their own fuel and output containers and their fuel is processed independently of other instances. This works exactly like our previously released quarry instances. More can be found here: Why did it take so long to add pumpjacks? Now that we've polished quarries, we felt it was time to finally add pumpjacks. We plan to add the excavator in the very near future once we feel quarries and pumpjacks are running smoothly without issue. Can you still buy pumpjacks? Yes, you can still buy them from our store and place them where you'd like. Nothing will change in that regard. We will be updating the pumpjack level system to remove the maximum level limit, allowing players to stack as many pumpjacks as they'd like. This update should be out sometime this week. Will public Quarries and Pumpjacks produce the same as private ones? Public facilities will always produce slower than privately placed quarries and pumpjacks. Currently, we've doubled their production to produce faster for November as a curiosity. See below for more info. Are quarries and pumpjacks safe to use? As of right now, we're very confident they're 100% fixed and have not had any incidents for several weeks. I cannot express how sorry we are for the consistent issues over the past month with fuel and output disappearing. All should be well now! Are current process rates permanent? We've currently increased the process rate of all public quarries and pumpjacks for the duration of this month as a courtesy to players for last month's issues. They will be cut in half in November following the forced wipe.
  6. Here are our October custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Halloween Bayou Author: Niko Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/halloween-bayou-by-niko-major-rebuild-update ChaosCave Author: Avo_Skorm Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/chaoscave-hdrp Hallow's Grave Author: Shark-A-Holic Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/hallows-grave-hdrp
  7. We're working on the issue and will provide some form of compensation once everything is sorted.
  8. Changed Status to Fixed Changed Version to 9.2.21
  9. I wouldn't mind doing this, but our maps are finalized hours before wipe, which wouldn't give you much time to explore. We wait until the update is finalized from Facepunch before generating and placing monuments in case they make any last minute changes.
  10. Here are our September custom monument picks that'll be live on all of our maps tomorrow following the big update! Get Away Resort Author: Immp77 Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/get-away-hotel-hdrp Construction Site Author: Deeplyfri3d Link: https://codefling.com/monuments/constructionsite-fortress
  11. Changed Status to Released
  12. Death

    Submarine bug

    Changed Status to Closed
  13. Death

    Submarine bug

    I've forwarded this bug to facepunch.
  14. Changed Status to Closed
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