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Everything posted by Death

  1. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.9.21
  2. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.9.21
  3. I've confirmed this as a vanilla bug. I've forwarded this report over to FP, but will keep this open as I will likely patch it on our end in the meantime.
  4. Download the latest client update and let me know if that fixes it for you.
  5. Changed Status to Working
  6. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.7.21
  7. Could you provide a better screenshot? Unable to read the error. Console logs would work also.
  8. I'm hoping the new black market will enable you to find various ways to produce the resources you need without having to micro too much. I agree that the game is slowly shifting away from solo play. I'll try and accommodate solos as much as possible.
  9. There was a reason for them not to stack, but I've honestly forgotten. Will have a look at them again and see if they're able to stack without issue.
  10. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.6.21
  11. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.6.21
  12. Changed Status to Released Changed Version to 7.6.21
  13. Changed Status to Working Changed Priority to Low
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