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Posts posted by Death

  1. This month brings on some new changes to tackle excessive pickle farming, improved client and server performance, as well as a couple new features. Let's get into the bad news first.


    Pickle Farming

    Whether you love it or hate it, a lot of players depend on this method of farming to supplement scrap farming. Because of how easy it is to set up and maintain, this has also attracted players who farm well beyond their means that not only cause client performance issues for other players, but it absolutely cripples the player economy.

    We've been experimenting with nerfs over the past few months with no success. This month we're trying a different approach, and undoing our stack size buff that enabled pickles to stack up to 500. Their max stack size is now back to 100, in line with other food items. We will monitor the effects of this change and adjust as needed.

    Previously, we discussed setting this back to default, which would be 10. I've done some thinking and I decided to simply revert it back to how we had it pre-vending machine nerf. Though we'll also be nerfing the process rate by half, so production will take twice as long. This change will take effect post-wipe, and is not currently implemented.


    Server Performance

    This month we've been hard at work rewriting the entire backend using greatly improved methods to reduce call latency and move all of our custom GUI work to a single dedicated GUI handler. This will not only improve server performance but will greatly improve client performance.

    This basically means GUI creation will be handled and cleaned up locally instead of having each instance inside of its own plugin. This will also help with garbage collection, a cause for recent server crashes.


    Notification System

    On our modded servers, you'll notice our hud has yet again been updated. The old wipe progress bar has been replaced with a brand-new notification tray. The old request pop-ups for trades and teleport requests will now show in the notification tray, as well as various other server messages such as NPC bases, server events, and the occasional PSA and server announcements.

    You can open the tray by clicking the drop-down arrow underneath the bar. This is a WIP and will likely be improved to be a bit more responsive. Notifications are still being worked on, so expect to see the old pop-ups for the time being. We're still working on updating all of the plugins to support this new system.


    NPC Bases

    To help combat camping, NPC bases will no longer be marked on the map. Instead, you'll receive a vague message indicating its possible position by "near the coastline" and so on. Additionally, we'll be removing the resource drops from the cupboard. This was initially introduced by mistake and was the result of forgetting to clear the TC before saving the building.

    We also plan to release a separate update later this wipe that'll allow several bases to spawn at once to ensure more players are able to participate. The resources will continue to drop until a new update is released post wipe.


    More to Come...

    This month will be dedicated to resolving outstanding issues and rework some of the game mechanics to accommodate a bigger player base. More information to come. Additionally, our new black market should be releasing near the end of this month that will feature revolving sell and buy orders, as well as an option to sell unwanted blueprints for credits.

    Lastly, we hope to also release our new garage system that will let players store vehicles and replace the old vehicle flare system with a more natural-feeling system. This will work for all vehicles, including the new modular vehicles and the upcoming submarines.


    Be sure to check this thread for updates as I'm almost positive I've left things out. I will keep this thread up to date throughout the month, and provide a few snek peks of the new features coming!

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  2. Toxicity and abuse will not be tolerated in our community. If you would like to leave a genuine suggestion, leave this nonsense at home. This topic will be locked for further replies. When you feel capable of having meaningful discourse feel free to submit a new topic.

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  3. 8 hours ago, Mister Dobalina said:

    Welp, looks like I haven’t been picking up all my crates and I’m just very unlucky lmao. Thanks for clearing that up Alexa

    It's quite possible some of them glitch through the terrain. It's a game bug, but I'm confident it's something I can fix on our end. I'm working on a few big feature updates so I'm unsure when I'll get around to sorting those niche issues.

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  4. We've released a complete overhaul of our quick sorting system for greatly improved performance, functionality, and a major aesthetic improvement. You'll also find new container sort options at the bottom right below the container window. This allows players to sort items inside a container, as well as where the withdrawal options are now.



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  5. We want to thank everyone for their support by purchasing items in our store! It helps us tremendously with upkeep and developing new features. ❤️

    It was long overdue that we add a few more heavily requested items to our store. Additionally, I went through the list and re-organized items the best I could so it's easier to navigate. If you'd like to see specific items added please send us a request at https://rustez.com/forums/forum/12-suggestions/!

    New Items


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  6. We've decided to go with vanilla procedural maps this time around due to some issues with the editor causing an serious issues. We will continue with custom procedural next month and will compensate for this disappointment with some bad ass monuments.

    Sorry again 😞

  7. 11 minutes ago, JJ死 said:

    Will the satellite dish outpost replace one of the current safe zones like Bandit or Outpost or will it be completely separate monument?

    Custom monuments do not replace vanilla monuments. They're added alongside them.

  8. I'd prefer not adding tools to the shop as it kind of defeats early game. The black market will be redone sometime this year, I'm just not sure what it will sell at the moment. It will likely be different every day to not completely de-value the items it is selling.

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  9. 44 minutes ago, gryff said:

    Se,e it is about the rules and where to find them, because the admin that banned me told me it was against the rules and i had read every rule that was available for me to see, when I asked the admin to find the rule for me she was unable and just said "but its a rule" which to someone who is new and read every rule that is listed for them to see other than "micro rules" (which seem to carry the same weight as every other rule) seems suspicious that it'd a power hungry admin. if I was given proof it was a rule I would have listened, and you also expect me to learn the rules while banned when the only place ive been told to find the rules is by joining your server and typing /rules, not sure if you know this but its impossible when you're banned to do that.

    You're missing the point. An admin instructed you it was against the rules, instead of making changes you insisted on challenging their call and then told them to ban you because you weren't willing to remove the sign. Stop making this an issue. If you want to appeal, just appeal. Arguing with me about server rules I help curate is not going to contribute to your situation at all.

  10. The issue here is not about rules placement. An admin had informed you it was against the rules, and instead of changing the sign, you argued with them for half an hour and finally pleaded with the admin to ban you.

    Our rules are available in the server's description, in the chat with /rules and /info for our modded servers, as well as our connect page. We're unable to list micro rules in the server description due to the character limit. If an admin, someone devoted to enforcing server rules, says something is against the rules, that's a good indication that it is indeed against the rules.

    I'm not sure what your endgame was after telling an admin they'd have to ban you because you weren't willing to remove your sign? I'm sure if you actually put effort into an appeal instead of blaming everyone but yourself for an issue you created, you'd have a great chance at having your ban reduced or even lifted. I hope this information serves you well.

  11. 8 hours ago, DIO Brando said:

    Make Sedan Drops faster to fall because its so damn slow you can get to the area faster by running instead. Sedans still despawn even if on Car Lifts so it feels weak as hell

    Their current drop speed is actually all to do about physics. The faster they fall, the more likely they plunge through the terrain. This is still an open issue we're trying to resolve.

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